What is Chillits?

Chillits is an ambient music festival in a campout setting.

Chillits is organized by a community of San Francisco Bay Area based artists and volunteers, supported by the Cloud Factory Collective for the Arts.

Chillits is a not-for-profit event, it is financed through donations from organizers, attendees and other well wishers.

Similarly, the event is staffed by attendees: one is expected to sign up for a volunteer shift, or contribute in some other way (eg a musician on the lineup) to be able to register for the event.


Chillits takes place at the Black Oak Ranch in Laytonville, CA, county of Mendocino.


Here’s the location on Google Maps . Road signs for Chillits will be posted starting at the exit from US-101 onwards.

Health and Safety

Code of conduct

Please familiarize yourself with our code of conduct. By registering for Chillits you acknowledge that you’ve read and will abide by the code.



Fire evacuation plan

Due to the increasing regularity and severity of forest fires in Northern California, we feel that it is important for all that plan on attending Chillits to understand both the risk, as well as the response plan in case of an event, linked here.

No’s before you go

No walk-ins

Chillits is a private event: everyone’s name must be on the list. No walk-in registrations, nor legacy admissions. If you transferred your spot, or if you’re bringing a different guest, make sure to let us know by emailing info at chillits.org .

No fires + no smoking

Only in designated areas. It’s a fire thing.

Not even candles, nor incense sticks; no cigs nor joints, nada. Нет.

Cooking stoves etc allowed at the tables in front of the kitchen area ONLY.

Smoking designated area is on the bleachers behind the stage ONLY.

Vapes are cool tho.

No pets

Absolutely NO non-working DOGS or OTHER PETS allowed.

No playing in the creek

Playing in the creek stirs up mud and clogs the water intake for the site.

No trash, no trace

Participants are expected to clear the property of any trash, including small clanky metal canisters, prior to departure. Bring your own bags for trash and recycling. Pick up after yourself. We’re guests here.

No substances inside the fire circle

The fire circle is a sacred space. No mind altering substances are allowed inside the fire circle. Yes, this includes beer, metal canisters and other substances outside of your body.

No electrical cords

To ensure fire safety, ONLY our sound and lighting crew is allowed to run ANY power. If you need power at your campsite for personal health reasons, please let us know so we can get you set up.

Site logistics

The site has PLENTY of shade, so don’t worry too much about bringing EZ-Ups or the like.

Bring mats, tarps, inflatable kiddie pools, beanbag chairs, extra air mattresses and other comfortable lounging fluff to spread on the wood chip “lawn”.

Since we are not sure we will be able to have a bonfire this year, bring blankets and comforters to snuggle with your friends under the stars.

Venue map

Please familiarize yourself with the map of the venue. Of note are the locations of bathrooms, dining area and the smoking section.

venue map

Lodging 🏕️

Chillits is a camping festival. There are multiple camping areas across the venue that are well shaded by trees. You’re expected to bring your own tent and stuff. If you’re visiting from out of town or don’t own camping gear - borrow some from a friend, and you can reserve to rent camping gear from Sports Basement or a similar store.

Food 🥙

For 2024 we’re exploring the option of having a Satuday brunch vendor, as well as an ice cream vendor. Everyone pays for their own food and treats. More on this later.

The plan is for our wonderful volunteers to be putting together Saturday dinner and Sunday brunch for the whole camp. (Thursday and Friday kitchen shifts are for feeding the early build/setup crew).

Coffee and hot water are available around the clock just outside the kitchen.

The kitchen at Black Oak Ranch is off-limits, it is for use by staff volunteers only.

Please plan to bring provisions, as well as dishes and utensils for you and your companions. Wash basins for dishes are available onsite.

If you bring your propane stove or jet boiler, you can ONLY set them up on the tables in front of the kitchen. Due to the high risk of fire, the kitchen area is the ONLY place to do cooking that requires a heating element or a flame.

If you’re interested in helping out with food, let us know! Volunteers like you are what make this possible.

Water 🚰

Please be mindful of your water usage. We’ll update this closer to the event - the venue has flushable toilets, usually drinking water, and in a good year even showers.

Vehicle Camping 🚐

There are vehicle camping spots available next to the main parking area outside the campgrounds. You should indicate that you’re bringing a camping vehicle during registration and the car camping coordinator will contact you.

Cell reception 📶

Verizon has spotty reception on site. For other carriers, you will have to drive partly back toward Laytonville before you’ll get full reception.

Tipis ⛺

If you are interested in creating an interactive space inside a tipi please fill out this form or contact tipis at chillits.org to apply for tipi space before August 31st.

A note about cultural appropriation and tipis

The site where we hold Chillits belongs to the Hog Farm Collective, which counts Native Americans among their members. The tipis we’ve been offered by Hog Farm have a bit of a richer history. There is over a half-century of solidarity and mutual aid between Hog Farm and Native American groups that is still ongoing. In the 1960s Hog Farm were heavily involved in the Native American Civil Rights Movement (they were among those who occupied Alcatraz) and often traveled to and from Washington DC to engage in protests across the US. Native members suggested tipis for hippie-budget-appropriate travel practicality. Later on, those tipis were repurposed for Hog Farm’s children’s camp (Camp Winnarainbow), the space that Hog Farm generously offers to Chillits.

Hog Farm has shared their appreciation with us with regard to our respect for the community and use of the tipis.

Fire Circle 🔥

The fire circle IS sacred space. We have been asked to make sure that there is no alcohol (not even beer) allowed into the circle. In addition, absolutely NO tiny metal canisters in the vicinity of the circle. PLEASE DO NOT COUNT ON THERE BEING A FIRE. We never know until the exact weekend if conditions will allow for one due to extreme fire danger in the vicinity. More information will be provided before the event.

KIDS FAQ that everyone should read 🚸

How will kids’ registrations work?

An adult can register themselves, their partner and up to three kids.

Is there a limit to how many kids can attend?

In our contract with the venue the capacity cap includes children. Since we can’t have official shifts for minors under 16, without a cap on kids we risk not being able to have room for all the volunteer staffing slots. Therefore the kids cap is set at 10% of the total population cap, so up to 30 kids.

What are age limitations for kids?

The upper age limit for kids’ registrations is 15. Folks 16 and older are expected to sign up and work their own staffing shift and register as an adult. 15 and younger require one of the limited children’s spots, other than babes-in-arms.

What qualifies as a “babe-in-arms”?

Any kid who can’t walk more than a few steps yet on their own, which typically means kids younger than 12 months.

What happens when we’re arriving at the gate with kids?

Parents/guardians will be required to sign an acknowledgement that they are responsible for their kids’ behavior. The Code of Conduct will apply to kids’ misadventures, and parents will be held responsible for any kid antics. We will provide every kid a wristband with their parents’ names on it. Kids must wear wristbands while at camp.

What if I have adult registrations, but can’t get kids?

We’re really sorry, but we can’t extend the number of kids’ spaces. Kids under 16 who are not registered will not be allowed in. They can NOT enter when registered as an adult. We suggest that you connect online with other Chillits guests to find out if anyone wants to trade/resell any kids’ spots. If you can’t use your spots because you couldn’t buy enough for your kids, we will refund you, as per our refund terms.

Can my kids go into the tipis?

There are typically at least two kid-centered (and well-marked) tipis where kids can play freely. If you are interested in helping organize a kids tipi, get in touch! Kids in all other tipis are required to have an adult with them unless otherwise specifically marked. Two exceptions: 1) Tipis with possibly sensitive equipment will have posted family hours. No children at any other times! 2) If, in the eyes of the tipi creator, a tipi has “adult” components that a reasonable person would judge to be for an 18+ audience only.

Please note that no one under the age of 21 may enter a tipi serving alcohol without a responsible adult present, even if they are over 16. This is the woods, not Tuscany.

👉 How do I help alleviate any friction with and between kids at Chillits? 👈

In the immortal words of JD Falk, “children, there will be freaks present, freaks, there will be children present. Be kind.”

What does this mean? Kids must respect everyone’s personal space including belongings - just the way adults do! This very much includes the other kids. Parents, unless your children are mature* enough to be responsible for this on their own, keep them in your line of sight at all times and step in if needed - that’s really all there is to it.

* Typically mature means over 7 years old – but we trust you to know your child and to be honest with your expectations.

Adults - speak up if you feel infringed upon or if you feel a tyke is harshing your chill - just the way you would with anyone who is being in the moment and oblivious!

We encourage parents to get to know each other and each other’s children, and participate in placing some activities and games near the Big Top so everyone can enjoy the lawn space during the day. Examples of things to share outdoors would be a craft table or an active game. Child tipis will likely include dress up and quieter games.

Event registration

Volunteer shifts

Chillits does not have a paid staff. To make Chillits happen, adults are expected to contribute 1-2 hours of time and effort by volunteering for a staffing shift. Real party heroes go for two shifts. 🤪


Chillits is financed through donations from the organizers, attendees and other well wishers. For 2024 the suggested donations are:

  • Adults (16+) $200 each, on a sliding scale of $125 to $500
  • Kids (15-) set at $60 each
  • Babes in arms chill free (12m and younger)

We really want you to come and every year we reserve several spots for scholarship attendees. So if the suggested range doesn’t work for you, email us at info at chillits.org and we will figure something out.

Paying for someone other than you

If you want to pay for someone else, here’s the suggested procedure:

  1. Get on the phone/text with this person
  2. Register using THEIR email address and their full name, this will require them to read back to you their email confirmation code
  3. Proceed with shift assignment
  4. Pay for the registration using YOUR credit card details

By doing this, your friend will be receiving our emails, have their name on the staffing sheet, and can self-login to see their registration details, such as their staffing shift.

Exchanges and refunds

As a first step we always suggest offering up your spot on the mailing list or the facebook group. Email us at info at chillits.org if you transfer your registration to someone else. Email us in case you need a refund too. No refunds after August 31st though.

Data use and privacy

We collect your (and your adult guest’s) contact details to be able to communicate with you about the event, and about the volunteer shifts you signed up for. Only a handful of organizers are authorized to have access to this data. We have no intention of selling, nor sharing your data with any third parties. This is just for Chillits 2024 ☮️ .